Kelly Flageul

With over 25 years’ experience working in HR and with People, Kelly is a director of HR At Work.

Kelly is currently the Executive Chair of the Law At Work C.I. Group, having spent the first 15 years leading and growing the group to include HR, Safety, Recruitment and Occupational Health professionals. Currently Kelly oversees the strategic growth of the Group.

She was the previous Chair of the Jersey Chamber of Commerce HR and training subcommittee, and she sat on the Jersey Employment Tribunal, regularly adjudicating on work-place complaints. She is currently a trustee for Dementia Jersey.

Kelly is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.   She specialises in employment relations, and enjoys working with, and mentors, business leaders in people management, organisational development and change. Kelly’s broad range of experience covers the private, public and third sectors.

When not at work, Kelly spends many hours getting lost in books, and travels between Jersey and Australia visiting family, one day an Australian office may just open!